Financing your real estate project – expert advice

Financing your project – expert advice 

You have found your dream home ? Mr. Bruno KOVAC, mortgage advisor for YMANCI in Annecy, gives some advice to finance your real estate project.


What are the advantages of soliciting a mortgage broker?

Well before committing to your purchase, the role of the broker is of great interest. This will allow you to properly prepare your project by knowing your financing capacity and the different existing solutions.
In a vey dynamic real estate market, it permits to be more responsive and give confidence to the sellers. You benefit from personalized support and advice throughout your project. The procedures are simplified and you save time by accessing to all the offers on the market. We look for the most attractive offer on the market, while negotiating each element of your financing.


What are the steps and deadlines necessary to obtain bank financing?

After having established your budget and found your property, you will sign a promise or a sales agreement committing you to this purchase. The financing research process will start at that time. Usually, you have between 45 to 60 days to obtain financing, depending on the type of your project.

Once you have received your loan offer by post or electronically, you can return it signed from the 11th day, this is the legal reflection delay and any return before this period will not be admissible. You can also transfer it to your notary, in order to prepare the call for funds for the signing of the deed of sale.

Our job supports you in all these stages. Congratulations, you are the owner!


Which are the most important information in your loan offer?

Your loan offer certifies that the bank is committed to loaning you a defined amount. This offer includes a number of elements such as the costs of your credit. You will also receive, an European standardized sheet (presenting the main points of your offer), a provisional amortization table showing your future loan repayment and their composition (interest, insurance, …). The special conditions negotiated will be listed. And specific options from each banking institution that can allow you certain modularities, repayment suspensions of your loan.


How to compare loan offers?

  • It is simply not enough to focus only on the total cost of credit – the average length of ownership of a property being from 6 to 8 years – the cost at this time may differ according to each establishment.
  • Don’t neglect loan insurance. A real estate purchase can commit us over 25 years, multiple events can occur, a good coverage is essential!
  • Choose a bank that matches your needs and expectations.

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Un crédit vous engage et doit être remboursé. Vérifiez vos capacités de remboursement avant de vous engager.

Offre soumise à conditions sous réserve d’acceptation par l’un de nos partenaires bancaires, prêteurs. Aucun versement de quelque nature que ce soit ne peut être exigé d’un particulier avant l’obtention d’un ou plusieurs prêts d’argent. L’emprunteur dispose d’un délai de réflexion de dix jours à la réception de l’offre de prêt. Si la vente est subordonnée à l’obtention du prêt et que celui-ci n’est pas obtenu, le vendeur doit rembourser à l’emprunteur les sommes versées. Publicité portant sur un crédit immobilier permettant le financement de l’acquisition d’un bien immobilier.

Ymanci Crédit Immobilier, marque commerciale de la société Premimmo – SAS au capital de 1 190 000 € – Siège social : 33, rue Marbeuf 75008 PARIS – RCS Paris n°802 782 722 – ORIAS n°14004330 – Courtier et mandataire non exclusif en opérations de banque – Courtier et mandataire d’intermédiaire d’assurance (informations disponibles sur – Liste de nos partenaires sur ; Société soumise au contrôle de l’Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution – 4, Place de Budapest CS 92459, 75 436 PARIS Cedex 9 – ; Service Réclamations : 33, rue Marbeuf 75008 PARIS – 

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